It is with great pleasure that we are announcing the nomination of Patrick Milward to the position of General Manager for Astonfly as of today.
For his new tasks in our pilot training center, he will be helped by his personality, his passion for aeronautics but also, known to all, his abilities for quality customer relationship.
Our full team whishes him success in his tasks.
In continuous growth since 2004, CLAIR GROUP has developed its activities around high standards, professionalism and innovation. The group's activities and employees have a common DNA: the passion for aviation.
Toussus-le-Noble Airport
Zone Ouest - Batiment 313
78117 Chateaufort
Paris Le Bourget Airport
Rue de Prague - Zone Aviateurs
95500 Bonneuil-en-France
Zone Ouest - Batiment 313
78117 Chateaufort
Paris Le Bourget Airport
Rue de Prague - Zone Aviateurs
95500 Bonneuil-en-France